

Child Protection Designated Staff

Mrs Amanda Burrow  - Head Teacher

Mr John Broadbent - Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs Julia McManus - Pastoral Welfare Officer

Mrs Rachel Surr - SENCo


Child Protection Governor

Mrs Rachel Ferraby

Safeguarding Policies

RVS Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2024-2025.docx .docx
RVS Child on Child Abuse Policy Sept 22.docx .docx
RVS Volunteer and Vistors Policy March 2023.docx .docx
RVS Intimate Care Good Practice Guidelines.docx .docx
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation May 2024.docx .docx
RVS Safer Recruitment Policy Sept 2023.doc .doc
Acceptable Use and Online Safety Policy Feb 24.docx .docx

Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding Induction Sheet Sept 24.doc .doc
Working Together.doc .doc
Helpful Hints for Working at Roth Vic.doc .doc
Guide for Visitors and Volunteers March 23.doc .doc